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Day: Novembro 27, 2020

Study in Wuhan indicates that asymptomatics may not transmit the virus

A study in Wuhan, based on tests on almost 10 million residents, showed that “there was no evidence of transmission of asymptomatic positive people to close contacts and no asymptomatic

The profile of Covid deaths- Italian reality

In Italy, only 3.3% of the Covid-19 deaths investigated do not show comorbidities (other previous serious pathologies). 65.3% of the deaths had 3 or more comorbidities, 18.6% had two, and

More than half of the Portuguese population is overweight. Obesity is a Covid risk factor

According to the Portuguese Society for the Study of Obesity (SPEO), 34.8 percent of the Portuguese population is pre-obese and more than half the population (57.1 percent) is obese or