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Day: Março 7, 2022

Prorrogação do Regulamento de Certificação Digital COVID da UE: sim ou não?

A OMS vai convocar os Estados-membros e grupos tecnológicos ligados a credenciais de imunização Covid para reconhecer os certificados de vacinação de diferentes países e regiões. Mas antes de ser

Italy enters state of emergency again, this time unrelated to Covid-19

The Council of Ministers met on 28th February 2022 at Palazzo Chigi. According to the Italian press , this state of emergency declared during the ongoing war between Ukraine and Russia has nothing

Freedom of speech and new forms of censorship

Truth, when it exists in absolute terms, rarely corresponds to the most popular view, to that of a group or, even less, to that of a single person. Reality is too

Censorship in times of a pandemic

The limitation of freedom of expression in terms of a pandemic deserves particular reflection as it goes far beyond ideological motivations. The mainstream social media and much of the media